Improvisation for the Theater - Part 2 (Featuring Becky Fleckner)

Episode 2 of Viola Spolin's Improvisation for the Theater with guest host Becky Fleckner.
In the second part of my conversation with Becky Fleckner about Viola Spolin's Improvisation for the Theater, we discuss the application of this work in the classroom and in the rehearsal room. Becky shares more stories about her time as a teacher, and I go on another rant about Jared Leto. We mention a handful of artists connected to theatre and improvisation, and I've provided some links below with more information about them. The final episode of Improvisation for the Theater will be out next week. Thanks for joining the conversation!

Keith Johnstone -
Augusto Boal -
Uta Hagen -
Jerzy Grotowski -
Sanford Meisner -